30th November 2023
‘Circles’ and ‘Open’
Any image with circles
November Open
26th October 2023
‘Autumn Scene’ and ‘Open’
Colours of Autumn, Trees, Leaves, Harvest
28th September 2023
‘Leading Lines’ and ‘Open’
Piers, fences, roads, paths, implied etc
September Open
2023 Competition Gallery
Themes For 2023
Each member is eligible to enter two images for the themed competition and a further two for the open
section, subject to sizing and colour space (1200 pixels longest side and sRGB)
25th May 2023
‘Black and White’ and ‘Open’
Any B&W image – abstract, landscape, portrait, street etc
May Open
27th April 2023
‘Wildlife’ and ‘Open’
Animal, insect, bird, fish etc
April Open
30th March 2023
‘Still Life’ and ‘Open’
Jugs, flowers, toys, food..etc
This is a PRINT only – A4 sized prints
March Open
23rd February 2023
‘Night’ and ‘Open’
Astro, Street, Landscape etc
February Open
26th January 2023
‘Celebrations’ and ‘Open’
Christmas, Halloween, New Year, Parties etc