Join us! for a meeting to explore the potentials


Inspire Photography Club is a small group of friendly enthusiasts who run the club on a co-operative basis and new members of any level or ability are welcome to join us.

Each month we try to have a mixture of activities including speakers, workshops and competition nights.

During the summer months we have evening field trips to local places of photographic interest.

Most members have a Digital SLR camera but this not essential if you wish to learn and progress further.

The Club meets weekly on a Thursday evening in Kingsthorpe. 

Meetings start at 7.00pm unless otherwise stated.

Image By Carl Everett


Membership Matters

Membership runs from January to December with subs to be paid by the end of February.

Full Membership

To be a full member of the club the annual subscription is to remain at  £60.00. This entitles full members to attend all weekly events published on the club’s “Programme of Events” free of charge unless specifically stated in the Programme for certain special events.

Potential New Members

Members may invite potential new members free of charge for any workshop, Competition or summer break week.  Any speaker events will be charged at the advertised rate for non-members.

 It is expected that after two visits potential new members will seek full membership.  

Charges will be on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the year (2024 = £1.20 per week).

Affiliations and Collaboration’s

It is proposed that ongoing investigation for Inspire Photography Club to join the Midland Counties Photographic Federation. This may give access to a larger pool of speakers, knowledge and improved advertising. 

We shall continue to collaborate informally with like minded camera clubs . This will increase our pool of knowledge and will allow us to stage joint events, particularly where it would be uneconomical for one small club to do so. 

Officials of the Club

Chairperson:        Ann Billing

Secretary:            Nigel Bond

Treasurer:           Andrew Shears LRPS

Programme Coordinators:          John O’Reilly, Dave Simpson

Facebook Group:         Inspire Photography Club 

(a closed group for members only)

2024/2025 Programme

Each month we aim to have a mixture of workshops, speakers, competitions and member led sessions. 

During the summer months (June-August) we have a programme of evening field trips to local places of photographic interest. 

Details of programme events are publicised on the Inspire Facebook page. 

All members have access to this.

Event Category Links

 2025 Programme

Contacting Us

Our preferred method of contact is by email please:

Constitution Appendix 1

1. That this Society be called INSPIRE PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB

2. The Club aims to provide its members with assistance, education and enjoyment in photographic matters in a friendly atmosphere by means of lectures, competitions, demonstrations of process, outdoor excursions and other methods. 

3. The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by a committee of 6 members, consisting of the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer along with other nominated members necessary. The committee shall have the power to co-opt any other members of the club as occasion arises. 

4. The Officers Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held during the month of October. A Committee Meeting is to be held before the Annual General Meeting to arrange the business of the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy in its numbers that may occur during the year. 

5. No alterations in the Rules of the Club shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting duly convened for that purpose, and no rule shall be altered without a majority of the members present. Notice of any proposed alteration to be sent in writing to the Chairman seven days prior to each Annual or Special Meeting. 

6. A Special General Meeting may be convened at seven days notice by the Chairman or by the General Secretary, at the request of ten members in writing. The request must state the reason for calling the meeting. 

7. The Club’s Financial Year shall be from the 1st October to the following 30 th September. The Subscription Rate and the entrance fee shall be recommended by the Committee and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval. Subscriptions are payable by the end of February each year. 

New Members joining after the February renewal date shall pay on a pro-rata basis (weekly charge based upon the annual subscription divided by the number of active weeks). 

8. A person may attend a maximum of two meetings in any one season without becoming a member. 

9. Members who plan to resign are requested to inform the committee in writing beforehand. 

10. Any balance standing to the credit of the Club at the end of the financial year, shall be applied solely for the benefit of the Club or promotion of its objects, and members of the Club shall not receive payment either directly or indirectly for their services or in any other respect except legitimate expenses incurred for and on behalf of the Club. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets of the Club shall be devoted to any objects similar to those of the Club. 

11. The Club may confer Honorary Life Membership (H.L.M.) upon any member who has given outstanding service to the Club. Election of H.L.M.s shall be made at the A.G.M. after nomination by the members to the committee. H.L.M.s have the right to attend all Meetings and have free access to the clubs website and Facebook page. 

12 AI (Artificial Intelligence) at the 2023 AGM it was decided on the following:

o  “No images wholly generated by Artificial Intelligence will be acceptable in any club competition of activity, all images must have been taken by the member submitting either through his/her camera or mobile phone.

o  The use of A.I. to edit a photograph taken by a member on a camera or phone is considered acceptable.”

© 2025 Inspire Camera Club. All images copyright of the member and may not be reproduced without permission

Members Styles

Still Life